Términos y condiciones
I voluntarily participate and with my total authorization in “O Marisquiño” to be held in Vigo in August 2024, being in full and adequate physical and mental faculties for said participation, having received sufficient information about the characteristics of the planned activity and the physical conditions required, as well as the risks of such activity. By signing this document, I accept the rules of the competition and the safety regulations that the organizer deems appropriate, reserving the right to the organizer to change the evaluation method at any time, participants cannot demand a specific evaluation method. I am aware that participating in the event involves some risks for me derived from the practice of the test in which I participate, and that neither Ulises Proyect E.E. S.L., nor collaborating or sponsoring companies, clubs or institutions can guarantee my safety. Knowing these risks, I expressly declare that if I suffer any type of injury, I will not claim damages or losses of any kind against the organizer, Ulises Proyect S.L., collaborating companies or institutions or event sponsors, so I waive any claim for compensation in case of injury, death or any other damage suffered, to the same, being fully aware of the risks to which I expose myself. Furthermore, I give my express consent to Ulises Proyect S.L. to distribute to third parties images of all participants in the competition, without restrictions of date or place, in any technical support, original or edited (including marketing actions).