August 8-11 2024 / Vigo, Rías Baixas, Galicia
Workshops - Flatland

Workshops - Flatland

Workshops Schedule

Do you know which discipline is the most technical in BMX? In this edition of O Marisquiño, during the FAMILY DAY, you will have the opportunity to delve into the thrilling world of Flatland. These workshops are specially designed for boys and girls who already know how to ride a bicycle and want to learn the stunts of this BMX discipline.

The goal of these workshops is to teach the basic control of the BMX bike and then progress to the execution of different tricks, where balance, spins, and skill play a fundamental role. By using the pedals, handlebars, tires, and saddle as support, you will learn to master this technical discipline. It will be a space where precise bike control will be combined with games and fun while practising various tricks.

These workshops will be held in small groups and will be adapted to the abilities of each participant. The aim is not only to showcase this discipline but also to make it accessible to new riders. The workshops will be led by Action Wheels BMX Shop, who will share their experience and knowledge to ensure you enjoy this BMX discipline to the fullest.

LOCATION: Samil - Flatland Circuit

Schedule: 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Ages: 9 to 16 years old

Spots: 18 spots available

Please complete the form below and select the workshop you wish to enrol in:

  • 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Flatland Workshop - ages 9 to 16 years old (3 spots)
  • 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM - Flatland Workshop - ages 9 to 16 years old (3 spots)
  • 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM - Flatland Workshop - ages 9 to 16 years old (3 spots)
  • 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM - Flatland Workshop - ages 9 to 16 years old (3 spots)
  • 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM - Flatland Workshop - ages 9 to 16 years old (3 spots)
  • 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM - Flatland Workshop - ages 9 to 16 years old (3 spots)

To take part in the workshop, it is necessary to bring your own BMX bike and appropriate protective gear such as elbow pads, knee pads, and a helmet. Don't forget to bring everything you need to fully enjoy the workshop experience!


Choose your workshop