August 8-11 2024 / Vigo, Rías Baixas, Galicia
Tere y Lara, una amistad que trasciende competiciones

Tere y Lara, una amistad que trasciende competiciones

In BMX, one of the most beautiful things is the camaraderie among female competitors. Teresa Fernández-Miranda and Lara Lessmann, two of the best riders in the world (they have accumulated 6 victories at O Marisquiño), are a great example of this. Their relationship was forged in competitions but transcended outside of them through adventures, anecdotes, and a deep complicity that has grown over the years.

It all began in 2017, when Teresa competed for the first time in the World Cup with the Federation. Although their interactions were brief at first, by 2018 they started talking more, discovering that they shared a similar way of being, calm and relaxed. This affinity became the foundation of a friendship that has strengthened with each event and trip. As Teresa shares: "We are very similar in our way of being, very calm. Then at events, outside of competition, we realized we had the same tastes."

Lara, for her part, recalls those early days in a similar way: "I think since the first World Cup, we have supported each other. We have always had the same sponsor from the beginning, which also brought us closer. Every time I went to Spain, we would meet, and she always welcomed me with open arms. Throughout the competitions, we got to know each other better, and after each event, we spent time together. Before BMX became something really serious for us, we were already friends, and we remember that at every competition.”

"What I like most about Teresa is that she always supports me, even when we are rivals at events. We never fight, we always smile at each other and hug, even in the most difficult moments,” shares Lara, highlighting the deep respect they have for one another. In fact, the German rider decided to come to Vigo 24 hours before the festival, when she learned that Tere was going through a tough personal time. She had to help her and didn’t hesitate for a second.

In addition to being beautiful, there are also multiple funny anecdotes. One of the most unforgettable was at the X Games, where they were the stars in... ¡the foosball!. "I’m not a pro, but at that party, with Lara by my side, we were unbeatable," remembers Teresa with a smile. “We beat everyone, including Cou and Kevin, and after 10 consecutive matches, no one could defeat us. Even the strongest opponent had to find a better partner to try to beat us!”

Lara also has special moments in her memory, like when they shared a room at the Munich Mash and, instead of resting after a tough day of competitions, they hopped on electric scooters to explore the city. "We were jumping down stairs and enjoying the city as if we were tourists. Those moments are what really strengthen our friendship, beyond the competitions," shares Lara.

They also have differences, of course. Teresa, who spent a week this summer at Lara's house, discovered how different their schedules were. "Lara gets up at 8 and is already eating at noon, which means she has dinner at 6. And at O Marisquiño, where we ate at 4 and skipped the noon meal, it drove her crazy," Teresa recounts with laughter.

They have met twice at O Marisquiño. And they are clearly major protagonists for an OM Story like this, a testament to the fact that human connections are the most valuable. Their story, built on trust, respect, and, above all, fun, is a reminder that, at the end of the day, the most important thing is to have someone who supports you, both on and off the track.